Local SEO for Businesses

person doing SEO

The Web allows businesses of all sizes to compete.

Unfortunately, therein lies a problem.

Competing on a national level means you’re up against companies with massive budgets. You may also be against competitors that have a headstart measuring in decades. This is quite the challenge! And, even if you were to achieve high ranks, it may not matter if what you do is meant for local clients!

Local SEO for businesses helps your brand achieve higher ranks around your town/city.

With local SEO, you’re carving out a niche of your own. You’re no longer competing with major brands (for the most part). And, you can become the leading authority — meaning more money to you!

Here’s what you need to know about local SEO.

What Is Local SEO?

Local search engine optimization is the application of strategies to help a business rank online (in and around its location). 

Core concepts of local SEO include:

  • On-page and off-page optimization
  • Improving a site’s usability and experience
  • Creating authority via content and assets

Every web page includes a few elements that help identify what it’s about. These include the title, meta description, URL, and headings. Other elements can include internal and external links and media elements. 

Google (and other search engines) figures out what a page is about based on these page elements.

Google doesn’t disclose its algorithm and ranking factors because it’s a trade secret. But, they have published quality guidelines. SEOs (those who do this for a living) have also done extensive testing into what does and doesn’t work.

If you apply the right keywords, structure it well, and support it via backlinks then a page can increase its online rankings.

So in essence:

Local SEO is the culmination of best practices applied to pages (and the whole site). Specifically, it’s targeting local terms and phrases that those in your area seek. These are search indicators to associate the site to this location and queries.

The Importance of Local SEO for Businesses

The value and benefits of local SEO are tremendous.

Low Competition, High Upside

For starters, local SEO helps your business rank in search engines with fewer competitors due to its area of coverage. Instead of competing with everyone, you’re competing with fellow small shops and operations. This gives an advantage if competitors aren’t active online or applying local SEO.

Attract Hot Leads

Another advantage of local SEO is that it delivers qualified leads. Instead of those doing generalized research for a topic, local searches tend to lean toward those looking for providers. Being the top listing that shows for a product or service will likely mean you’ll earn their patronage.

Drive Foot Traffic

The third item of note about local SEO is that it gives your business a stronger local foothold. Your business appearing in local search, maps, and business listings can attract people to the location. You reach customers in your backyard. And, establish yourself as an authority that drives more people through the doors.

Create an Amazing Resource

The fourth benefit of local SEO is that it lets you create an amazing resource for locals and your team. Great content is equally valuable to customers as it is for employees. You can use guides as training and references for customer support. It’s a win/win as it means showing in local search results and offering a better experience for all.

It’s Cost-Effective

Finally, few other marketing strategies have a long-term, cost-effective impact like local SEO. A campaign helps your site climb rankings while also bolstering the brand’s image. In time, people will refer to your site as a go-to resource which helps develop strong backlinks (that’ll further help it rank). It will also deliver more reviews that people look for as they shop around for local providers.

Getting Started With Local SEO for Small Businesses

The main concept of local SEO is trying to rank for keywords that matter.

Think of a keyword’s value when determining if/how it matters:

  • Monetary value (it attracts someone who wants to buy something)
  • Authority value (it can help your brand achieve a better standing)
  • Support value (it’s useful for educating and supporting clients)

Every page is different but for the MVPs, you’ll want to aim for keywords that have a monetary value. These would include the service and product pages since they intend to sell something. Your home page will have these keywords, too, because it acts as a catch-all and first impression with visitors (and search engines).

As for the other keywords?

You will apply keywords where you see fit but mostly a 1:1 with what the page is about. So, for example, if your page is about a service then you will want to use keywords centered around that topic. You don’t want to deviate else it creates confusion, so make sure that you’re keeping it concise.

As for the specifics of doing local SEO:

  • Research keywords and apply them to each page’s title, description, headings, URL, and content
  • Use keywords to interlink between pages (this also improves the site’s usability which is a factor)
  • Apply NAP (name, address, and phone number) to common areas such as the header, sidebar, or footer
  • Get your business listed in local directories, Google Maps, and claim social media profiles

These are, of course, the basics of local SEO but they’re enough to get you started!

Elevating Your Local SEO Strategies and Efforts

Two of your best investments when it comes to local SEO are as follows:

A great keyword tool like SEMrush or Ahrefs is essential for advanced SEO strategies. These tools provide a deeper data set, helping you discover and target valuable keywords. These tools are also helpful for tracking your site’s performance.

The other element is leveraging the skills of experts.

Many businesses can achieve good success with a basic local SEO campaign. But, to compete on a higher level they need to apply advanced strategies and make a commitment. This is where SEO experts come into play. They can help you achieve better rankings while also freeing resources so you can focus on the business activities that matter most.

Partner With the Local SEO Experts

Now that you know that local SEO for businesses is an incredible investment…

…what are your plans and goals?

Let’s collaborate on achieving them! 

Our online marketing experts are here, ready to help your business rank higher, attract more leads, and close more sales. Call (702-275-7139), email (info@961interactive.com), or connect with us on socials.

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